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What Do YOU Say to 2023?

A few Januarys ago, I began to choose one word to focus on during the year ahead. It was a way to get fired up for the coming year without setting myself up for failure with lofty goals and resolutions. Several friends and I now choose WOTYs annually, and I write our words on little canvases and share them. Some of my own previous selections include Focus, Cultivate, Hope, and Lucky.

This year I’ve chosen Yes! Here’s why:

For starters, Yes! I’m still writing. Sharing that brings on a feeling of pride and commitment but also a sense of vulnerability. When I say I’m still writing, I always steel myself for a comeback like, “So, I guess you’re not published yet?” Granted, most people are more thoughtful and supportive with their responses—or they kindly refrain from responding at all. Still, making a declaration that Yes! I’m still writing opens the flood gates for fair observations. Because Yes! it can often take a loooooooong time to make things happen in this crazy industry.

Still, I say Yes!, even when sometimes it’s hard to sit down and actually do the writing itself. Psychologically hard. Rejection is part of the industry. It’s just business, but it takes a toll—whether it comes from agents or editors or readers. To continue writing demands stamina and commitment. It takes a big fat Yes!

Yet writing and telling my circle of peeps about it is not quite enough anymore. There’s a tag-along to the craft these days called social media platforrm-building, with tools like Twitter and Instagram, FaceBook, TikTok, and more. I envy folks who enjoy these tools and can use them without major gaffs, like accidentally posting an on-line to-do list that includes a trip to the gynecologist. Ugh.

The fear is real, but so is the need to get social, like it or not. Even established writers aren’t immune to posting copious Insta pics and tweets. Not to mention, as social media continues to try people’s confidence, writers are encouraged to send out independent invitations to Join My Email List. On top of everything else.

Still…I say Yes!

To clarify, for me saying Yes! means mindfully choosing the things that are important—like writing, but also family and friends—and saying Yes! to the entire package they come with, not just the parts that are easy or fun. Yes! means putting myself out there to do the things I often put off because they make me uncomfortable…or I think I can do them tomorrow. Like reaching out to old friends. Attending an event. Or maybe just making a phone call I’ve been putting off.

Yes! – reminds me I’m not done yet. That goes for my writing, but also for spending more time with family and friends and learning new things. To stretching creative muscles…to seeing new places and experiencing more adventures.

So here’s a hell, Yes! to 2023. I invite you to join me in making it special and finding new ways to show the people we love how incredibly dear they are.

My best to you and yours for the upcoming year ~ J

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