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Remember, Words Matter!

Here’s 37 seconds’ worth of scoop for you…to respect your time while also honoring a promise to myself to share one blog post a month throughout 2024.

(Rumor has it, today's average blog reader likes their posts short and sweet, as in 37 seconds sweet. To which I say, I'm more of a 60-second gal. But I can only try.)

So...if our 37 seconds haven't run out, I’d like to carry on the tradition of sharing my Word of the Year each January, which is now.

Interestingly, that's my 2024 word as well: NOW.

Here are some things I hope NOW will remind me to do this year:

  • Savor the present. Except during visits for root canals or mammograms, in which case this bullet point is null and void.

  • Stop procrastinating.

  • Seize opportunities. Even—or maybe especially?—those that scare me.

  • Nurture my sense of gratitude. I can be pissed that I’m old and my bones creak, or grateful I woke up to see another day. Okay, granted, I can sometimes be both. Ultimately, though, the choice is mine.

  • Continue to grow. Not by focusing on the past or the future. Growth happens in the present. NOW.

  • Strengthen my connections. Love big. Be present for others. NOW.

And that’s all, y’all. For NOW. Unless you have another 37 seconds….

If that’s the case, I’d love you to go to the comments and tell me: What’s YOUR 2024 Word of the Year?

(And as always, please sign up for my newsletter if you haven’t already done so. NOW.)

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Jan 17

I’m going to steal your word and use NOW because it resonates with where I am. Thanks for sharing!

Jan 17
Replying to

Love this, Gurleen! Particularly because I stole it from Rice, who came up with it around the middle of last year. 😄


Jan 16

EXPLORE That's the word. For how does one find something unless the effort is made to explore goals, options, leading to plans and then implementation. (Boy - can you tell that I was in project management for about 40 years. Trying to shed the yoke...honest.) 😎

Jan 16
Replying to

I like it! And yup, I definitely pick up that project management vibe. 😄


Amanda Day
Amanda Day
Jan 15

My word of the year: INTENTIONAL.

Jan 15
Replying to

Excellent word, Amanda. May we both be more intentional with this new year. 😘

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